A Different Kind of Blog

news and things sacred and irreverent put together by opinionated people.

Obama’s “Green Czar” Resigns

Posted by kayms99 on September 6, 2009

RAW DATA: Text of Resignation Letter From Van Jones

Resignation letter from Obama adviser Van Jones, sent to Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley.



Sunday, September 06, 2009


“I am resigning my post at the Council on Environmental Quality, effective today. On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me. They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide. I have been inundated with calls – from across the political spectrum – urging me to “stay and fight.” But I came here to fight for others, not for myself. I cannot in good conscience ask my colleagues to expend precious time and energy defending or explaining my past. We need all hands on deck, fighting for the future. It has been a great honor to serve my country and my President in this capacity. I thank everyone who has offered support and encouragement. I am proud to have been able to make a contribution to the clean energy future. I will continue to do so, in the months and years ahead.”

16 Responses to “Obama’s “Green Czar” Resigns”

  1. kay~ms said

    Well, one down… how many more to go? Keep up the good work Glenn!


  2. Hors Service said

    Yes, keep up attacking people’s past instead of their arguments, it’s a nice and fair democratic debate.


  3. kay~ms said

    uh, you said that Hors? You who always refers back to the horrible things that “Christians” have done in the past?

    Hors, Van Jones is an avowed, radical, revolutionary communist. Obama should NEVER have brought him into the White House in the first place.



  4. Hors Service said

    1) As long as christianity is not a person, it’s different from attacking an individual’s past.

    2) I usually refers to the horrible things “Christians” are doing now, like banning a 9 yo child and her two doctors for having an abortion after her father in law raped her.

    3) I do it when it does have a link. I see no link between health insurance and Hitler.

    4) I’m telling truths.

    I don’t know in America, but in France revolutionary communists have a political party and demonstrate (loudly) in the streets. I haven’t heard of such things in America recently. But I’ve heard about maccarthism.


  5. kay~ms said

    “1) As long as christianity is not a person, it’s different from attacking an individual’s past.”

    Technically it might be “different” but the hypocrisy is exactly the same … you frequently brought up the bad things that Christians have done in the past to argue your views… completely ignoring what true Christians believe and practice today.

    “2) I usually refers to the horrible things “Christians” are doing now, like banning a 9 yo child and her two doctors for having an abortion after her father in law raped her.”

    Yes, this is sad but if you want to get into that again, Christians believe the WORST of the two choices is to take a person’s entire life. And that doesn’t translate into not having sympathy for the 9 yo child. And I’ll just throw one of your favorite arguments back at you… “but this is a very rare situation” so liberal translation.. it should be acceptable.

    “3) I do it when it does have a link. I see no link between health insurance and Hitler.”

    All I can say to that is go back and watch some of Glenn’s shows and then you’ll see what he means.

    “4) I’m telling truths.”

    And you’re point is that Glenn is not? Where?

    “apples are red” now I’m telling the truth. but it’s not exactly addressing the issues is it?

    And as tempting as I KNOW it will be… please don’t start a debate about the color of apples…:o)


  6. Hors Service said

    If only the christians could get a definition of “true christians”, that would help.
    And I thought I’ve already said that I didn’t blamed Christianity for the christians?
    Well, let me repeat it.
    And no, attacking an institution or a belief’s past is different in nature than attacking a person. That’s why I attack your beliefs and not you. I’ve never made any insinuations about your sociological or genetical background, for example.

    “Yes, this is sad but if you want to get into that again, Christians believe the WORST of the two choices is to take a person’s entire life. And that doesn’t translate into not having sympathy for the 9 yo child. And I’ll just throw one of your favorite arguments back at you… “but this is a very rare situation” so liberal translation.. it should be acceptable.”

    This was a case of choice between abortion and everyone dies, even the child.
    It was acceptable to blame the girl or to abort?
    Yes, it should be acceptable. See? There’s exceptions for everything. It was exactly what I call an example.
    Glenn Beck is making up, which is different.

    “All I can say to that is go back and watch some of Glenn’s shows and then you’ll see what he means.”

    Go back and watch some Hitler’s speeches and then you’ll why Glenn Beck is very honestly lying.

    “And you’re point is that Glenn is not? Where?”

    During this show, for example. Rockefeller are communists? The UN are anti-american or something?

    Well, if you want some exactitude in your statement, “some apples are red”. Not all. Which makes a difference, because I found yellow ones more tasty, and with some of the green ones you make a delicious cider. ^^


  7. Hors Service said

    *I meant the childS. She was carrying twins.


  8. Hors Service said

    *In fact, it’s children in good english… I’m confused.


  9. kay~ms said

    “If only the christians could get a definition of “true christians”, that would help.”

    It’s the New Testament… the books about Christ..hence “Christians”.
    And I don’t care which translation you pick.. the main points are still clear.

    And you say that you don’t blame Christianity for the acts of the Christians but you still continuously allude to it all the time. That’s kind of like when Dorian says..” I’m not saying that it is wrong to disagree” but then still accusing people of ignorance and racism when they do.


  10. dorian said

    kay i’m taking william the mormon’s idea here. this is an attempt at discussion with you. i’ve been trying to understand where your mind is really coming from, for almost a year now. everyone of us here are all ignorant of something. well if you count the number of times you have called everyone here ignorant, you are the the champ there. but we’re used to that now.i know you just can’t mean that the only ones ignorant are the ones who voted for obama or the ones who do not believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven. or is it really that absolute in your mind? have we all made things more complicated for ourselves? personally i sometimes wish i could compartmentalize everything in terms of conservative/liberal, black /white, yankees/red sox, etc… there are so many in-betweens and variables to everything in my world. i like your easy answer to hors to his question of the meaning of ‘true christian’.
    re. racism – talking big picture here and not just health care. okay? disguised or blatant, it’s hard to not see that it is a factor in every obama hater’s agenda. there is a surge of right-wing racist militia groups in our country. a simple googling of the phrase ‘racist groups in america’will bring many many new pages:http://www.google.com/search?q=racist+groups+in+america&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
    the town hall meetings are there so everyone can learn what the reform bill is all about. but no one can hear with all the shouting. there’s no discussion, only fighting! can we maybe start rational discussions here with a bit less derisiveness and name-calling? let’s start with you not lumping me in with the liberal party because of who i voted for. i vote for issues. there’s really a nerdy conservative inside of me. why i could even be like lawman! except i’m not atheist. i promise not to kid you about your big bat anymore.

    to be cont’d…


  11. kay~ms said

    okay Dorian… I’ll try again to tell you where I’m coming from although you really should know by now because I feel like I’ve been pretty clear about it. I think you just like to torment me (well, you did say just that in your poem awhile back).

    Really, if you look back, you’ll see that any of my rants are the direct result of either dishonesty or ignorance or both. That is usually where I’m coming from. I really dislike both very much especially when it comes to serious issues. I admit that I’ve used the word ignorant a lot. But I challenge you to find one time where I’ve used the word inaccurately. I’m ready and willing to debate any of those times and I will admit if I was too hasty in using the word.

    No, I don’t feel that everyone who voted for Obama is ignorant. Just the ones who didn’t research the questionable things that were presented before voting for him. They chose to ignore very concerning information.

    And I do believe that people who have decided that there is no God are ignorant of the proof that is all around us. And that there is an element of dishonesty when they claim that they don’t believe in a Supreme Being.

    Those who flatly reject Jesus without learning about Him are ignorant. And if they learn about Him and then reject Him then I quess I can’t call them ignorant (in that specific instance) but I can say that it is sad that they’ve made that choice and that really, they are ignoring His presence.

    As to the racist groups here in America and the people who do hate Obama because he’s black… they ARE ignorant, most definitely. And I do know that they exist. Those people who go to the town hall meetings just to be disruptive… they are ignorant also. And in these instances, “ignorant” leans closer to the definition of “stupid” in my opinion as opposed to ignoring something. But I don’t think, no, I know that the majority of Americans are not stupid. These ignorant people are the minority thank goodness.

    I think that you all are focusing too much on the wrong things. No one has acknowledged that Glenn Beck has done a good thing by bringing forth information about Van Jones. You just want to focus on the bad things.. which I cannot think of any. People who don’t like Glenn Beck (liberals) are literally just making stuff up. I don’t see him as trying to start another “red scare” because he’s presented facts all along the way. He’s bringing fourth truthful information (with documentation). Which, by the way, I’m still waiting for the documentation / statements that backs up your’s and Hors claims about him. Please take the ignorance blinders off. (or is that “put them on”) now I’m confused. Just stop making comments like:

    “anyway , that van jones fella was a mistake. he sounds like he’s full of himself. good thing he resigned. he was probably asked to.

    there are no arguments re. beck’s claims because his facts are so out of this world and those who know better will not bother to waste their time. you can do the research yourself if you want. the guy is a loon.”

    You have to know that it was GB who got him fired. Yet in the very next line you not only don’t give him any credit, you state that “his facts are so out of this world” and that he’s a “loon”. Van Jones would still be here if Beck hadn’t presented the FACTS (that were very much in this world) that he did! The facts that no one (no other station) was providing!

    I’m mean do you see any ignorance and hypocrisy here? Please Dorian, come on… I really don’t want to give you a hard time but I am so *** determined to help you get those “blinders” off for your own good.

    You and Hors have repeatedly said that Beck is presenting lies… well, where? I’m still waiting.

    Hors you did say something about him accusing Rockefeller of being a communist. I never heard him come out and say it but he did present questionable things. That is not the same as lying. He is questioning. And if it is wrong to question then we ARE living in a communist country. If anyone is on a smear campaign it is the liberals against Glenn Beck. You all can’t stand that he’s seriously kicking the Obama administration’s butt! And the Obama admin. DESERVES it for letting a guy like Van Jones in!! And I can’t wait to see who Glenn goes after next, I know he’s got plenty to choose from. And by the way.. if Bush had these “Czars” like Obama does… the liberals would have been screaming in the streets, a whole lot louder than any of the people at the town hall meetings and you guys know it!!

    And Dorian, I believe you when you say there is a conservative side to you but like I’ve said before; anyone who is pro choice is always going to be a liberal to me and also anyone who insists that everyone’s truth is “the truth”. Basically, not facing the truth. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that these two things are definitely common liberal beliefs. I don’t think your afilitation is what you say it is.. it’s what you believe that defines it. That’s another thing I’ve learned.


  12. kay~ms said

    And ps… please stop trying to make William out to be legitimate. I just think that you don’t want to acknowledge that I won that “battle” if you can call it that… the guy never even showed up. And if you’re not sure why… just ask and I’ll tell you. It’s obvious that he never intended to have a discussion much less a debate. I was right about him. Didn’t he say “if you want to know about a Mormon, ask a Mormon”? Well, I did… I hope you all can see the obvious here.


  13. Princessxxx said

    no, kay, i’m sure ‘william’ was a legitimate person that had a legitimate reason for not replying to you. you made it clear that you had no intention of following his rules of discussion.
    kay, you are just always looking for a fight. too bad you are on the wrong side about most things.

    that’s what is obvious to everyone.


  14. Princessxxx said

    “Really, if you look back, you’ll see that any of my rants are the direct result of either dishonesty or ignorance or both. That is usually where I’m coming from.” -Kay.

    i’m glad that you realize that your rants are a direct result of your dishonesty and ignorance. that is a step in the right direction.


  15. kay~ms said

    P, my response to William’s rules was honest. I wasn’t going to lie in order to get him to debate with me. I said I would do my best, I apologized for any past remarks that he found offensive and stated MY ONE rule… honesty. But apparently that wasn’t good enough for him to even give me a chance. No, he laid out his rules which left nothing but a preaching session on Mormonism that I would just nod my head to. I’m mean, what exactly was my role in this “discussion”? Again, he said… “if you want to know about Mormonism, ask a Mormon”. He could of AT LEAST answered my questions… right? He purposely worked it out this way..knowing that I (he said that he had read other comments of mine) would provide plenty of “excuses” for you guys to defend his “exit”. And, in true liberal form, you guys did just that. You guys were used big time here. I don’t believe for a second that you all don’t see the truth here. And, once again, I’m disappointed that none of you can admit it.

    So, to summarize, I was honest and required the same and that is why William didn’t come back. See the power of honesty? Honesty and truth will always win. And that is a major way to spot a cult. In TRUE Christianity there is nothing to hide, no secrets to protect. No need to lie. A true Christian is glad to discuss their faith and would never need to find (or create) excuses for not doing so.

    Here is my response to William’s “ground rules”. I’m not seeing what the problem is…

    “William, I am so greatful to have this opportunity to discuss Mormonism with you. And I really appreciate your willingness to do so ( and also your friendly tone). I will admit that I was sure you would not be back here. So for that reason alone, I have respect for you. And I do have respect for the sincere devotion that Mormons have. I apologize for any disprespect I have shown on this blog. I will try to be more carefull with my terminology and accusations.

    You say that you will have a discussion but you will not debate. I’m not sure where that leaves us. I guess we’ll see. As I stated earlier, after gathering information, I have come to the honest conclusion that Mormonism is against God. If you are going to just re-afirm Mormon beliefs, that I am already aware of, I don’t know how this is going to change my views.

    I will have many questions, some of which will pertain to why Mormons feel that Mormonism is correct and mainstream Christianity is not… basically why do we need Joseph Smith to be saved?

    I really do hope that we will be able to discuss these issues.

    And my only ground rule would be the requirement of honesty. When there is a lack of honesty that is when my “disrespectful” side tends to come out. Some consider it disrespecful, I just see it as confronting the dishonesty. But I will do my best to withhold my judgements of dishonesty when I don’t have more than speculation to back it up.

    Thank you again for your willingness to discuss this.”


  16. obama the antichrist said

    i skimmed this honestly but i saw “true christian” mentioned a few times. christ is the only true christian he was perfect he obeyed every law. that is why he is called the sacrificial lamb because any lamb had to be perfect and white for it to be sacrificed. he took all our sins when he died. when he rose from the dead he defeated satan. and satan is sin. we are humans and we make mistakes but all we need to do is ask for forgiveness. here are some songs…

    “the enemy has been defeated death couldnt hold you down”~hillsong united “shout unto God”
    “Jesus paid it all all to him i owe sin had left a crimson stain he washed it white as snow”~kristian stanfill “jesus paid it all”
    “So come home running his arms are open wide his name is Jesus he understands he is the answer you are looking for so come home running just as you are”~chris tomlin “come home running”

    anyway my point. all christians are human. we sin. it is only by the grace of God that we still have a shot at heaven.

    Romans 3:23
    “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”


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