A Different Kind of Blog

news and things sacred and irreverent put together by opinionated people.

A major issue I have with men, mental disability and how they are treated publically. 

Posted by Enkill_Eridos on October 11, 2016

This happened in Austrailia, but it reinforces my own social anxiety, and amplifies it. 

So lets statt off with the first part of this womans rant. As someone with severe social anxiety, and someone whose mental health professionals say to interact with people. It is stuff like this that really keeps me from trying. 

This is all projection on my part, because I am putting myself in the same position. From the description it is apparent to me that the man is trying to get social interaction.

The thing is everyone but that woman acted like they ignored him according to Laura. The only one that truly didnt was her and she described her own body language. Me personally I would have recognized the pure aggressive body language towards me. And her story makes it clear he recognized this aggression coming from her. 

This next part kind of confirms my assertion she was carrying herself in a passive aggressive way. Which still seems aggressive to those who dont understand social interaction. This woman is obviously projecting her prejudices on this man. Who may have been just trying to not feel invisible. As that happens with men with mental illness. The world makes us feel as if we are invisible sometimes. 

It is interesting no woman including the author of this rant actually tried to talk to him in a civil manner. He was either being ignored or in the case of the OP, being hated. 

And the immediate assumption he was on illicit drugs because he wasnt acting  “normal”. 

This is what makes me the most angry. Because he was a man and the people who rudely ignored him, instead of saying please stop, you are making me uncomfortable. Trying to get high fives from people isnt sexual, and maybe he has a thing against being touched and trying to work through it. He made no sexual advancement and by her story. But she continued to push this threat narrative he was being predatory and trying to make women, who never verbally said anything to correct his behavior it seems, uncomfortable by trying to give high fives to women.

The major reason this makes me feel like getting better and getting over my social anxiety isnt worth it. Is the perception these types of women have. Women have the right not to be uncomfortable. Meanwhile men like me are on the verge of having a panic attack being outside of thier homes. Not interacting, not being social, and feeling completely alone. Me saying the wrong thing to the wrong person could get me publically shamed as well as my wife, for having a mental disability involving public interaction. 

What his behavior unacceptable? Because he makes women uncomfortable? Okay, I dont try to interact with women on the bus and by thier body language they are uncomfortable at first glance of me. Does that mean because my presence does this it is unacceptable for me to try to at least manage my symptoms because I “look like a creep?”

I am already uncomfortable when I leave the house. I am already am borderline ready to have a panic attack on public transportation. This narrative and these actions are telling men with mental disabilities or men that dont understand social interaction. We should stay in our homes and not try to make frends. We shouldnt work on our mental issues by trying to interact with people.
It really is no wonder so many men commit suicide every year. We ignore what these kinds of ideological bullshit can do. Emotionally I couldnt handle being bullied, just by trying to be sociable and myself. Every time I see an article like this, and the reactions. It just confirms when my wife insists I dont go to the VA alone on a bus when having a medical issue like pain. 

My wife would be shamed by other women for going to work instead of taking me so the public wouldnt have to deal with me. As this lady above tried to shame the female family member of this guy. 

Keep the undesirables from trying to have a normal life, with healthy normal social skills. It doesnt seem anyone on that tram tried to actively correct his behavior. One person was acting overly hostile without ever ennunciating to the man to not do it. 

Nobody is right when everybody’s wrong. 

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Second Amendment Constitutional Firearm Ownership.

Posted by Enkill_Eridos on July 23, 2016

Hello fellow pro-gun people. I have something to say. I am a Veteran who swore and believe that I am not released from the oath I swore to. I take the Constitution seriously. I was lucky, I only gave a major part of my sanity for my following my ideals. 

When you say Muh Second Amendment Gun Ownership. Many ignore the requirement of being in a well regulated militia. 

Here is what I am suggesting Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Gary Johnson, and Jill Stien should consider when talking about gun control. 

As you four should already know. (If you dont I seriously question your ability to function at your primary job of national defence.) The militia system was abolished in favor of the draft. Replaced by the National Guard, which is essentially each individual State’s Army. Whose oaths are to obey the governor of that State instead of the preidents. 

As part of the Constitutionally kind of required militia system. The national guard would be in charge of training and regulating the State Laws required allowing which part of the citizen militia what firearms they can own. Etc. The concept of a citizen militia would be the requirement of gun ownership o any class. Psychologists that either choose to become National Guard or choose to provide a service to the citizens militia. Would say yes or no to whether or not you can. According to that trained professional opinion. Which most current gun owners would more than likely pass today. 

Then I feel they should have to do a Basic Training type training. That would teach the basics of firearm dissassemble, clean, reassemble. As well as basic soldiering which includes team building. In an idealistic situation, this would also encourage entire neighborhoods or cities to come together as a team. Every month for eight hours each community militia should be required to do training or drills as a team. Which can be spread out over the month. Through Physical Training, or any number of team building excersises, particupating in yearly city or county wide scenario “war games” excercises. As a citizen militia would be a non deployable member of the national guard. Which is state regulated. 

Because everyone has a right to bare firearms to protect yourself and your family. But with that right should be a duty, for every kind of person. Because no right we have in America comes without cost. Every person no matter cercumstances of birth should have to serve in the citizen city based part of a national guard. Essentially being the army of the city. To be used only during times of extreme civil unrest to assist law enforcement or the national guard. Or invasion of a foreign power. Each city having its own army is a fear many generals in other countries have about America. It is a deterrant of national forces. 

This may not deter radicals who wish to turn America into a theocracy. Or religous or non religous radicals who wish to destroy the system based on lies of an ideology. Or violent views regarding conquest within an ideology or religion. When the government cannot act against a country and it is individuals. The citizen militia should be allowed to protect thier communities from those threats as well. 

This should be allowed only on the state level not the federal level. Training should also include disarment of a firearms when unarmed. Verbal communication, and resolution of a situation through talking. As well as comparable military like training that trains to be able to rationally think in high pressure situations. Training with police so both can work as a team during mass shootings or any other kind of mass casualty incident. 

With freedom of speech that means we may hear offensive things or things we dont like. Hate should be allowed to be seen. It should also be allowed to be challenged in civil discourse. Which should end in a peaceful resolution agreed upon by all parties. THAT IS OUR FOUNDING CONCEPT AS A SOCIETY ALL PEOPLE WORKING TOGETHER TO BE ABLE TO GOVERN OURSELVES. In a democratic why through discussion on a community level. 

Right, Left, and Middle are all supposed to work together. Our nations core politics have been federalists vs. Anti federalists. And its been flip flopping with only two parties for over two hundred years. It isnt working anymore. We need more center and slightly left or right in politics. The straight right/left. It has become divisive which harms our unity. 

Please consider these words as you run for president. This maybe a Constitutional solutions at least 51 to 63% of the voters would agree on. It would get rid of the draft, clearly define regulations regarding a militia and requirements of joining. In order to own a firearm legally, I feel you should have a requirement to use it in defense of the area you should live. That you should work with other citizens to defend it. Should the police not be able to, or in support of the police. It would reduce accidental gun deaths. The structure of a citizen militia may attract members of the community and allow for team building, learning positive skills, and access to volunteer role models of the community. I think this would solve a lot of problems with gun violence and be a start of a healthy repairing of racial relations in America. 
This blog is a debate blog. The debate happens in the comments. This is a moderated blog. If you are going to troll, at least do it well and make a valid point. Flaming is not trolling and those comments will be deleted. As well as all non free speech protected forms of speech. Being any form of speech that advocates and encourages physical violence, harm, or death because of circumstances of birth. Constitutionally that is not free speech. Honest debate and sharing of ideas is allowed and encouraged. Regardless where you fall on the political spectrum. Obvious trolling an derailment of the debate topic being this exact topic will be deleted. Lets keep it clean and adhomenim free please. 

I consider every American a friend, until they prove otherwise.

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Radical Rationality

Posted by Enkill_Eridos on July 5, 2016

By Nicholas Goroff Within the context of modern politics, “radicalism” seems to be something that is increasingly unavoidable. Whether it be radical Islam, radical feminism, radical Marxism or othe…

Source: Radical Rationality

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Swastika Post

Posted by Enkill_Eridos on June 15, 2016

So my Swastika post I wrote, it was tagged by someone who pretty much said I was a nazi apologizer.

I understand being  a messianic jew that believes the rabbinical texts is crucial to understand the New Testament  Not to mention the Study of the Tree of life influence (Kabbalah) that is evident. As well as someone who has studied and practiced “Pagan” religions and the symbolism it holds. The swastika was originally a symbol of peace.

The thing about the National Socialist Party is that Hitler was really into Pagan artifacts. Whether he thought that Pagans worshipped actual aliens or if his obsession was really that. Or it was a misguided attempt to demonize Pagans post WW2, linking the two to anti semitism we will never know.

However my blog post was written as a response to fear mongering happening in the media in India and Japan at the time.

Sorry but pointing out that the Swastika the Nazis used was perverted by them isnt racist. Trying to take back a symbol other cultures regard as a symbol of peace from a hate filled movement is not apologizing for that movement.

The so called apologizers like myself isnt apologizing for these people. We are spreading truth about that symbol, because fear mongerers use that symbol to say it always means hate.  Plus I highly doubt a swastika not inverted was graphittied by someone that is a neo nazi. Considering neo nazi’s really take the bullshit propaganda Goebbels wrote, as truth. (The guy that said tell a lie long enough and people will eventually believe it.)

I highly doubt that was done by any Neo Nazi, but instead a prank done by ignorant kids. I wouldnt clean up graphitti someone else did. But if they are found I would gladly explain to them why the symbol they spray painted on your synagogues sign was the correct symbol, and what the symbol they spray painted really means.

Because in todays age disagreement equals hate speech.

Here is a bonus bit of that for you. The Holocaust isnt something that only happened to the Jews. Blacks, Homosexuals, Lesbians, Communists, Marxists, people who opposed the states propaganda, people who said the wrong things, people who criticised the government, the polish, and Jews were all effected. The final solution wasnt to kill all the jews, but kill everyone that spoke against them. It is why many Germans fled Germany and went to fight for the British. Including my great grandfather who in shame washed his hair with bleach every day. Despite fighting against the Nazi’s for Britain.

But you know because I mentioned that the symbol was stolen and existed in multiple other cultures prior to Hitler, I must be racist.

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Posted by Enkill_Eridos on March 13, 2016

My title

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Twitter is burning.

Posted by Enkill_Eridos on February 16, 2016

A debate a really want to get into is Twitter is literally burning itself into the ground. If you are wondering what’s going on twitter right now. This rare pepe will give you an idea of what thier business model is doing to thier platform.


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Milo Yiannopoulos Shaun King Stream

Posted by Enkill_Eridos on December 15, 2015

This stream is currentry live and has interesting view points. Some from black conservatives

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What is #GamerGate?

Posted by Enkill_Eridos on October 31, 2015

#GamerGate is a hashtag of a consumer revolt against corruption and injecting a specific type of politics into gaming.

I have been following #GamerGate for over a year, and I said I wasn’t going to touch it. I really should have, but I didn’t. One of the reasons is because of how the public perception of it was. I found myself becoming part of it.

Since the audience of this post is towards the people who have no idea past what the Mainstream Media says it is. It is not a hate movement, GamerGate supporters are not misogynists. Many are very anti feminism, some are pro ethics in journalism. It really is a mixed bag. There is no manifesto, or document any where on the internet GamerGate supporters follow. GamerGate supporters are all individuals. Some individuals think it is best to focus on Social Justice Warriors/Feminists. Others think it is best to focus on ethics as there are a lot more ethics problems in the gaming industry than problems caused by Feminism/the social justice crowd.

The issues that surround the consumer revolt are many. Part of it was a “game developer” who was accused to sleep with multiple different game journalists to get good reviews for a pretty flawed game. That game is named Depression Quest, which was supposed to bring awareness to the mental health issue of Depression. After having played it, and someone that deals with Depression like symptoms, I didn’t feel like I learned anything about it. Nor do I think it helped people that didn’t understand it.
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