A Different Kind of Blog

news and things sacred and irreverent put together by opinionated people.

Shut the Hell up Already Ann

Posted by tothewire on January 19, 2009

Put a sock in Ann

Put a sock in Ann

We hear from the right wing conservatives “liberals are so whiny.”  hmmm I’ve been hearing a lot of whimpering from the right wing “Christian” conservative base lately myself!  One common trait they all seem to share is their obtuse world view and obnoxious “right wing conservative Christian  hate spreading agendas”

Ann Coulter is a media whore!  She makes money spreading her attention grabbing trash.  After listening to her, I can completely understand why some people view Christianity as a totalitarian force of bitter hate mongers!   I can completely understand why other religions see us as the ugly bully on the block and why atheist compare extreme blood thirsty Muslims to the Christian faith!   The truth is it may be a pretty fair analysis for the extreme right wing blood thirsty conservative Christian base! 

In this life, consigning Ann Coulter to “bitch-dom” is too kind an assignation.

I’ve got a better word for you, Ann Coulter.

The word that rhymes with what football teams often do on fourth down.


Click here to watch a funny SNL clip of Ann Coulter done so well!  http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/video/clips/update-ann-coulter/945842/

111 Responses to “Shut the Hell up Already Ann”

  1. Lawman2 said

    hehehe all the years i have known you and i have only actually HEARD you say like maybe 3 cuss words!

    a bit harsh of a post on ann isn’t it?


  2. Lawman2 said

    can’t wait to read what YOUR BROTHER will write on this post!


  3. Lawman2 said

    i’ve never heard you yell,but while reading this post i could almost invision you in your small voice yelling at poor ann to shut the hell up already! hehehe


  4. Lawman2 said

    where did you find the pics?

    hey what i find so very funny about this post is if anyone here ever met you,they would see just how out of character this is for you! hehehe

    tothewire my shy little quiet liberal yells at ann coulter! hehehe


  5. Lawman2 said

    the picture of this in my head is just cracking me up!my sexy liberal wife you do surprise me from time to time!


  6. kathyorkay said

    It IS shocking to hear that football analogy from TTW!

    That quote up above, dated Sept. 13th 2001, 2 days after 9/11, is understandable and it’s ridiculous to think that she meant that literally… even though we did do two of those things in Iraq (legally) and we are safer here because of it, the people of that country are now free, living in a democracy and Saddam isn’t exterminating people by the thousands anymore. What she is talking about, from a Christian point of view, is fighting evil not spreading it like it sounds because it’s being taken out of context. And the part about converting everyone is what a true Christian wants… it’s what Jesus wants… what is wrong with that?

    She does say things for shock value but they are still true.. so why should it matter? She is making valid points. Just because people don’t like the way she says it, that doesn’t mean it’s not true.


  7. RJ said

    we are safer here
    the people of that country are now free, living in a democracy

    LMFAO…is this really Bush talking, or has kool-aid spilled all over the place?

    Just because people don’t like the way she says it, that doesn’t mean it’s not true.

    Therefore, just because people like the way she says it, that doesn’t mean its true



  8. centered2 said

    Trish your family is a right wing conservative Christian family. YOUR MOTHER was a right wing conservative Christian AND SHAME on you for posting this.

    Now I know why Joe was in such a rush to get me here. The whole thing hurts me deeply.

    Do you sleep well at night spreading this kind of BS?

    I don’t know what we, as your family has ever done to you to make you resent your Catholic roots so very much. I pray someday you find it in your new liberal heart to forgive us for whatever it may have been…and I pray for your salvation to stay intact. I pray for you.


  9. centered2 said

    As always I love you sis. I didn’t post that comment to hurt you. I posted it out of true concern for you and your walk with Christ.


  10. Lawman2 said

    centered shut the hell up and i wasn’t expecting you to make such a low ball hit at my wife.i expected you to defend your Catholic rhetoric,but not for you to hit her with her mother,and being ashamed of her. SHAME ON YOU! LOG OUT AND GO HOME.



  11. tothewire said

    Too late. Leave the comment. This is where he wanted it, so leave it.

    Centered, you are always welcome at our home…bring me a cup of coffee please and don’t leave 🙂

    I love you too. I disagree with you religiously and politically, that doesn’t mean that I am angry or resentful of my Catholic roots, or family.


  12. RJ said

    Like WHOA!

    TTW much respect. There really isn’t such thing as liberal or conservative. Its hate or love. Your tolerance is evidence of the latter.


  13. Lawman2 said

    centered i would say sorry man(for tothewires sake),but you know i wouldn’t mean it,so i am not going to waste either of our time with it.

    well now wonder why ota hasn’t jumped all over this post yet?


  14. dorian9 said

    centered, i would consider myself more liberal and less catholic than ttw and neither one of us have not shown any resentment for our catholic roots on our posts. once a catholic always a catholic -the sacrament of baptism is one that even a hardly church going catholic like me turns her back on. a strict catholic upbringing stays in the blood like no other. i may not believe the sanctity of the holy roman see anymore but still recite the “i believe” prayer and cross myself if i find myself in a threatening situation. there is no shame in speaking out against someone like ann coulter, or any other person whose premise and manner is one of hate and resentment, two very un-christianlike sentiments!


  15. dorian9 said

    i actually found out abt this post while checking out and enjoying the new music on rj’s site. i went whoze!! and jumped back in here.
    ttw, i’ve experienced same family dynamics. too many times people say things before thinking.


  16. RJ said

    In high school my mother made me apologize for “disrespecting” a teacher. Well, I didn’t feel that I disrespected her in the least bit–she had invaded my personal territory and I defended. Since I was going to get grounded, I had to conjure up something:

    I apologized for the fact that SHE felt disrespected. It had nothing to do with ME.

    Okay…so the point was I don’t believe in false apologies either, but some people need their egos appeased in order to move on.


  17. dorian9 said

    everybody, liberals should post something on a controversial angry and aggressive liberal character, something like a counterpart to ann coulter or rush limbaugh or bill o’reilly.. any ideas? drawing a blank on this one..


  18. To start, this is perhaps the political blog idea out there. Take what appears to be family and friends with different backgrounds and create the conversation that only occurs at family gatherings after a few drinks.

    Secondly, it would be nice to say that Ann Coulter was simply reacting to a terrible tragedy and making a hyperbolic comment in a sensitive time, but she has continued to make comments with the same fervor for eight years.

    It would be nice though if a high-profile liberal would make pretty loaded statements in mediums other than a documentary. Michael Moore is our O’Reilly, but even his most biting commentary comes across with a whimpering wrath like All Things Considered on NPR rather than a “news” program on Fox News.

    I do think that with a Chicago Democrat as the Chief of Staff that day when an extremely liberal POV is delivered with a wrath-worthy rhetorical rant is not that far off. I am from Chicago and know first hand that the GOP does not have a monopoly on machine politics.


  19. dorian9 said

    hello joel sullivan! michael moore was the only one that came to mind but he certainly lacks the passionate vitriol that comes so naturally with coulter and o’reilly – maybe now that the democrats are on capitol hill we’ll get a fired-up liberal coming out with the statements, eh? let’s keep an eye out! good point re. the consistency of ms. coulter, she’s at least that (consistent). takes lot of energy to sustain anger for that long. we are that blog of family and friends with different backgrounds and after a few sensitive topics or posts the squabbles begin! thanks for dropping by!


  20. Rj said

    What liberal is angry?


  21. dorian9 said

    exactly, rj. that’s why i’m stumped. next question is why are conservatives so angry? they’re not the ones being shot at. here’s your cue, ota, kay…


  22. Lawman2 said

    hey there joel!we are going to call joel our ticket man!thanks for visiting and comment man!we love it when our readers join in our blog family!



  23. Lawman2 said

    i am a conservative i am not angry when the beast in me gets soothed by my sexy liberal friends…hehehe


  24. kathyorkay said

    uh.. are you kidding? Nancy Pelosi comes to mind… actually..name one liberal who ISN’T angry… they’re always on a rant about the terrible conservatives… let’s face it… the Liberals are always going to be angrier and more hateful because they are unable to defend many of their stances… abortion being the main one… Liberals are always having to ACT like they aren’t angry (very unsuccessfully) and make an effort to hide their hatred because that is the very thing they are supposed to be against… it’s comical. Like I said… Ann Coulter’s fuel is Liberal anger! The proof is right here in these posts…. Actually, her ‘act’ is bringing out the supposedly “non existant” hatred of Liberals… you guys are busted!! just one more reason to hate her huh?

    And Michael Moore is ANGRY! At least Ann is honest and doesn’t try to hide her anger!

    Joy Beyhar (sp?) Woopie, Barabara, Sherri…. ANGRY!

    Alec Baldwin, Tim Robbins, Bill Maher, the list goes on and on… What Liberal is angry?… are you kidding me???


  25. Rj said

    I’m good at soothing…or so I’ve always been told.

    “Liberals” are angry when laws are unjust, biased, racist, homophobic, classist, ageist, ableist, when people are suffering…damn, that’s a lot…but even still liberals spread the love and have a good time.

    “Conservatives” are angry with/at liberals…maybe they can’t figure out how to be happy. They must be angry with themselves.


  26. obama the antichrist said

    ok i just got off an 8 hour shift and i dealt with stupid ppl and i am reved and ready to go(and mostly to appease my friends lawman and dorian)

    dorain…everyone is angry at something just ppl express it different. But Ann is just a strong willed gal who doesnt care whos toes she steps on which i admire about her! And the new york times is the best of strong willed ppl you liberals got sorry bout the luck

    Hi joel um fox news does bring news just like PMSNBC or CNN but they are conservative. news is news no matter who brings it to the table

    RJ liberal and conservative is a state of mind and there is such a thing thats why we (meaning the posters) are butting heads here.

    TTW i love how my post brought this angry post 🙂 it makes me smile. btw that video is HI-larious and i laughed so hard when she said “Man-serpent” see i am not angry with them for making fun of one of my heroes its entertainment someone needs to be made fun of! now i dont agree with what the lies they say…

    and now i still have a weird smile on my face thank you all for doing this! if you dont know i love debating (especially with liberals [you miss guided souls 🙂 ] and it is my hobby of sorts 🙂 thanks again!


  27. obama the antichrist said

    RJ read “Guilty” it shows all those things that liberals have done! and wouldnt you be mad too if a group of idiots kept blaming you for everything and everyone around them listened?


  28. tothewire said

    Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and Their Assault on America (Hardcover)by Ann Coulter read it? Already have. Four words “Shock Value” sells books. Waste of $28.00.

    I just need to point out this…just because a woman is loud it doesn’t make her a strong woman, it only makes her a loud one (quote from Lawman) Ann Coulter attacks for shock value, thus her book sales. She may be a savy business woman, but not a strong woman, just a loud obnoxious one…


  29. RJ said

    $28? Wow, that’s grande! But now you can use it to wipe if you low on the Charmin…but even the pages will tear angrily at your skin!


  30. tothewire said

    LOL Love it RJ! You have Lawman laughing so hard he almost spilled his drink on himself!


  31. obama the antichrist said

    wow…..um shes loud cuz she can be and she is right cuz she is and that pisses you off to no end! ahahahahahahaa o well we are toooooooooo strong willed to change each others mind!


  32. tothewire said

    My guess is you haven’t read the statistic comment on your post OTA…lol

    Feel the love?!


  33. obama the antichrist said

    ttw what love i guess i will fight to read it….uno momento


  34. tothewire said

    We must be posting close to the same time…too funny!


  35. tothewire said

    Here I will make it easier for you :

    tothewire said
    January 20, 2009 at Tuesday, January 20, 2009 e
    I think Lawman’s point about “her” statistics says it all. It isn’t some liberal agenda to make women single mothers…or tearing apart the family structures! Just as many conservatives out there getting divorced! Actually divorce rates are higher in the known conservative states…

    Coulter’s reference to “Massachusetts liberals” as if she were referring to people with some kind of disease. I decided it was time to do some research on these people, and here is what I found.

    The state with the lowest divorce rate in the nation is Massachusetts. At latest count it had a divorce rate of 2.4 per 1,000 population, while the rate for Texas was 4.1.

    But don’t take the US government’s word for it. Take a look at the findings from the George Barna Research Group. George Barna, a born-again Christian whose company is in Ventura, Calif., found that Massachusetts does indeed have the lowest divorce rate among all 50 states. More disturbing was the finding that born-again Christians have among the highest divorce rates.

    The Associated Press, using data supplied by the US Census Bureau, found that the highest divorce rates are to be found in the Bible Belt. The AP report stated that “the divorce rates in these conservative states are roughly 50 percent above the national average of 4.2 per thousand people.” The 10 Southern states with some of the highest divorce rates were Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas. By comparison nine states in the Northeast were among those with the lowest divorce rates: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

    How to explain these differences? The following factors provide a partial answer:

    More couples in the South enter their first marriage at a younger age.

    Average household incomes are lower in the South.

    Southern states have a lower percentage of Roman Catholics, “a denomination that does not recognize divorce.” Barna’s study showed that 21 percent of Catholics had been divorced, compared with 29 percent of Baptists.

    Education. Massachusetts has about the highest rate of education in the country, with 85 percent completing high school. For Texas the rate is 76 percent. One third of Massachusetts residents have completed college, compared with 23 percent of Texans, and the other Northeast states are right behind Massachusetts.

    The liberals from Massachusetts have long prided themselves on their emphasis on education, and it has paid off: People who stay in school longer get married at a later age, when they are more mature, are more likely to secure a better job, and job income increases with each level of formal education. As a result, Massachusetts also leads in per capita and family income while births by teenagers, as a percent of total births, was 7.4 for Massachusetts and 16.1 for Texas.

    The Northeast corridor, with Massachusetts as the hub, does have one of the highest levels of Catholics per state total. And it is also the case that these are among the states most strongly supportive of the Catholic Church’s teaching on social justice issues such as minimum and living wages and universal healthcare.

    For all the Bible Belt talk about family values, it is the people from Kerry’s home state, along with their neighbors in the Northeast corridor, who live these values. Indeed, it is the “blue” states, led led by Massachusetts and Connecticut, that have been willing to invest more money over time to foster the reality of what it means to leave no children behind. And they have been among the nation’s leaders in promoting a living wage as their goal in public employment. The money they have invested in their future is known more popularly as taxes; these so-called liberal people see that money is their investment to help insure a compassionate, humane society. Family values are much more likely to be found in the states mistakenly called out-of-the-mainstream liberal. By their behavior you can know them as the true conservatives. They are showing how to conserve family life through the way they live their family values.

    Maybe I should write a new post…


  36. obama the antichrist said

    o too late i read it on my post but others should read it too. it was really good i might add and really well thought out i should look more into her hate of massachusets liberals (but i think she means Kerry whom she does not like)


  37. RJ said

    ttw, i read that somewhere the other day…maybe it was on yahoo front page…is yahoo “liberal” too? LOL.

    nevertheless, “they” will take those stats, and turn them into something completely different…to suit their agenda, or course…


  38. obama the antichrist said

    its what good politicians do RJ


  39. RJ said

    there are good politicians?


  40. obama the antichrist said

    no not morally good but i mean good at what they do….


  41. tothewire said

    lol Most likely RJ! National Statistics and George Barna Research Group combined into one! Huntington Post most likely the best!

    I have to run over and check out OTA on the other site…Lawman is begging for us to go check it out together! He is working on some big thing he has going on Thursday. 😦


  42. obama the antichrist said

    Tell lawman i say hey 🙂

    lawman if you are reading over her shoulders then HEY!


  43. dorian9 said

    not worth hating anne coulter or any loud angry people like her.. anger is too strong an emotion why waste the energy and negativity? typical liberal reaction is disbelief, a raising of the eyebrows, a shake of the head, and sometimes one can’t help but chuckle at the ridiculousness of the statements. what can make me angry are people who believe and support the contemptuous and unkind sentiments people like anne coulter express about specific groups of people, people who claim to be good christians. what christian doctrine says it’s alright to invade, kill and convert? or “perfect” a group of people? she is counterpart to a muslim extremist. she is a christian extemist. chuckle. i can’t even be angry if i want to. there’s ice cream waiting for me in my fridge. woohoo! cherry garcia beats the cold!


  44. dorian9 said

    interesting stats, ttw. thanks. that’s good for a post!


  45. kathyorkay said

    TTW.. you post explains why it APPEARS that Liberals fare better in the social issues department … higher average income… money problems are the main cause of divorce… this comparison cannot be done based on geographic location… those statistics are misleading.

    And also the differences in education, younger marriage age and number of Catholics explain why it APPEARS that liberals have stronger family values.


  46. obama the antichrist said

    kay now explain why you said this….so your debate can be concrete


  47. kathyorkay said

    my understanding from TTW’s post is that her agrument is that Liberals seem to have better family values than conservatives based on the statistics she presented… this is in response to Ann’s declaration that Liberals are against the family unit so to speak ( don’t know if this is what you’re asking) So I said that TTW’s post, while providing statistics to the contrary of Ann’s claim… are misleading because… as it states right in the post… there are reasons why it seems to appear ( in those statistics) that Liberals have stronger family values… and I listed the reasons… income, mariage age and religion differences in the regions of the country that the statistics are based on… is that what you meant?


  48. tothewire said

    LOL I use the same statistics, and break them down and you question my use of them? Too funny!


  49. tothewire said

    Dorian I love cherry garcia! Save me some and we will eat it in front of Lawman…lol


  50. Lawman2 said

    hey anyone have post ideas for tomorrow?i have been swamped here.


  51. Lawman2 said

    heading to bed and will be out of town tomorrow most of the day.see you all later!


  52. kathyorkay said

    The same statistics as what? The statistics are based on regions of the US… The Bible belt versus the Northeast corridor. These two regions have markedly different income levels, education statistics and marriage ages and also Catholic numbers… which will greatly influence the divorce rate. So using those numbers, based on THOSE regions, to support the claim that conservatives have a higher divorce rate is misleading.


  53. Lawman2 said

    actually kay they are also based on majority conservative vs liberal states by voting polls statistics.as much as i like to keep things stirred up here this line of argument isn’t helping the coulter cause.i just think the woman is a sexy conservative that bashes liberals, that part i like as i find it very entertaining.

    e never posted his thoughts on coulter…wonder where he stands?

    tothewire is in bed and i am heading that way myself for sure this time.i have one hell of a long next couple of days ahead of me.


  54. Lawman2 said

    god i hate it when dorian and tothewire eat their liberal peace ice cream in front of me.one of these days i am going to buy a big tub of it and shove tothewires face in it just for fun!hehehe

    man we have got to come up with a treat for the conservatives here to share infront of them greedy keep all the cherry garcia to themselves liberals!


  55. Lawman2 said

    i bet they even share it with rj and e… 😦


  56. kathyorkay said

    The state with the lowest divorce rate in the nation is Massachusetts. At latest count it had a divorce rate of 2.4 per 1,000 population, while the rate for Texas was 4.1.

    Now.. what is the income average for these two states?? It can’t be claimed that the reason for this statistical difference in the divorce rate is because there are more liberals in Massachusetts… and Liberals have stronger family values. It could just as easily be said that income was the reason for the difference in statistics.

    To get FAIR statistics, all circumstances need to be equal between both… equal income, education, religious beliefs etc. then see who has the highest divorce rate…


  57. kathyorkay said

    oh.. they love their world peace cherry garcia… really, it’s another one of those diversion tactics that they use… they started that over on the SNL site…


  58. kathyorkay said

    Rj said: “Liberals” are angry when laws are unjust, biased, racist, homophobic, classist, ageist, ableist, when people are suffering…damn, that’s a lot…but even still liberals spread the love and have a good time.

    “Conservatives” are angry with/at liberals…maybe they can’t figure out how to be happy. They must be angry with themselves.

    Conservatives are angry when the innocent are killed and when people reject God’s love and disrespect Him in the process.

    Liberals are angry at Conservatives because you look at us as your accusers… we are just going by God’s word. Dont take it out on the messenger… And don’t get mad at God… again, going back to an old debate… if you would just follow what the Bible teaches then your life would work… our world would work. That IS what God wants.


  59. lawman2 said

    Even that has been accounted for in the statistics tothewire gave. Find a new argument this one won’t stand once the liberals wake up, or get home from work.


  60. Rj said

    I have risen. Now give me a moment. I just finished reading 50 messages


  61. dorian9 said

    i’m up too but not interested in debating
    divorce statistics:conservatives vs liberals, or reasons for the statistics results. and all hail the new chief of staff, he is now on his way to the capitol. seeing people this happy and excited is a happy thing. the whole world is watching. this is touching. proud to be american!!xoxo


  62. dorian9 said

    i’m also proud to say the first person to speak in this historic event is a woman senator from my home city and state that i’ve admired for a long time – diane feinstein. taking every minute of this . omg areetha – how great is that..is this really happening!!?


  63. kathyorkay said

    ok… here we gooooo… first, I’m sure, he’s going to do just as he said and sign the Freedom of Choice act…and it will be his first mistake / wrong decision as president. Personally, I’m praying that he will hear God speak to him and he will go back on a few of the promises he has made to Liberals and I can then have a president to be proud of.

    Boy.. what was Bush thinking sitting there in the audience as he was sworn in… honestly it looked like he was thinking.. I hope he is ready for this job and he can make the right decisions in those critical times that are sure to come.


  64. kathyorkay said

    Lawman said: Even that has been accounted for in the statistics tothewire gave. Find a new argument this one won’t stand once the liberals wake up, or get home from work.

    Here we go again… Lawman could you be more specific? Exactly what was accounted for? And exactly what is the accounting?

    The post/ article starts out by claiming that Liberals have better family values based on divorce statistics of the conservative ( primarily the Bible Belt) states and the Liberal (primarily the Northeast corridor) states. The article THEN goes on to explain OTHER reasons why these statistics are uneven… reasons OTHER than the initially alluded to reason that Liberals have stronger family values.

    From the post:

    How to explain these differences? The following factors provide a partial answer:

    1. More couples in the South enter their first marriage at a younger age.

    2. Average household incomes are lower in the South.

    3. Southern states have a lower percentage of Roman Catholics, “a denomination that does not recognize divorce.” Barna’s study showed that 21 percent of Catholics had been divorced, compared with 29 percent of Baptists.

    4. Education. Massachusetts has about the highest rate of education in the country, with 85 percent completing high school. For Texas the rate is 76 percent. One third of Massachusetts residents have completed college, compared with 23 percent of Texans, and the other Northeast states are right behind Massachusetts.

    So because the people in the Northeast corridor are better educated, marry at a later age (because of their extended education) have higher incomes, have a higher number of Catholics ( who DO NOT recognize divorce )…. THESE are the reasons that the divorce rate is lower in the Northern Corridor “Liberal” states… NOT because they are liberals. Using these statistics to support the claim that Liberals have better family values than conservatives is ridiculous and not credible… And please don’t do the “we had a bet” (ya right) thing again…


  65. obama the antichrist said

    TTW sorry as of now i am having an off/bad day so forgive me for not indulging in your post.

    Us conservatives can have Lindt Chocolate Truffles….oooooooo….i need to get another package of those….mmmmmmmm

    I pray that God will bless Obama so that he will not mess up this great nation.

    anyway about the inaguration….ill make a new post about it soonish cuz this would be far off topic.


  66. Lawman2 said

    kay do you really not know when you are chasing your tail?

    anyway back for a bit, then out again.

    i watched in awe as our first black man took his oath of office!although i didn’t vote for him,i watched as my mother swallowed back tears of joy.all the hell she has endured over the course of her life time just because she is black and married a white man.i watched as she sat and sniffled,trying not to cry.one thing she said that stands out in my mind was this “watch that black brother walking with his head high and shoulders back, up there with the pride of his whole race on his shoulders.”

    ota will read your post in a bit have to catch up on somethings here.heavy load this week.


  67. obama the antichrist said

    take your time get your stuff done 🙂


  68. kathyorkay said

    OMGosh… here we go again!! Ok… can you tell me what the point was in TTW’s post? Maybe I’m missing something but I explained how I understood the post and why I believe those statistics are not credible… could you or TTW or anyone else please explain to me why you think I am wrong? The empty comments I keep getting are not explanatory at all and they’re the typical comments that I was getting before in another ‘debate’ and then finally you guys came up with this ” we had a bet ” thing and finally conceded that I was right… are you doing it again??? Can’t you just concede that I have made a valid point? And if not, please explain why…


  69. Lawman2 said

    kay said “how I understood the post and why I believe those statistics are not credible… could you or TTW or anyone else please explain to me why you think I am wrong?”

    lol and WHY do you disagree with the statistics from voting polls,state level government,US Census Bureau,and even George Barna Research Group.


  70. kathyorkay said

    I don’t disagree with the statistics, I disagree with the conclusion drawn from those statistics… that Liberals have stronger family values than Conservatives. Those statistics DO NOT prove that! Now.. I answered your question even though you still haven’t answered mine… so could you please answer it???

    These two questions…

    can you tell me what the point was in TTW’s post? Maybe I’m missing something but I explained how I understood the post and why I believe those statistics are not credible… could you or TTW or anyone else please explain to me why you think I am wrong?


  71. Lawman2 said

    your making the point kay.that is the point of the post.pretty offensive when someone can take statistics and say liberals or conservatives have more morals.and still you keep chasing your tail.no matter how you rework your argument now it is a lost cause.why didn’t you take my advise and start on a new one?


  72. obama the antichrist said

    See family values do not come from your political background. Its how you raise your kid yourself. A conservative can raise an amazing kid (me for example 😛 ) or they can raise a kid who will become the next serial killer! A liberal can raise the person who will bring peace to every nation or they can be the one who causes all of us to go into a depression! Who knows, its the parenting style not the politics…I know i am being sorta hypocritical but this kinda dawned on me….so there you go 🙂


  73. tothewire said

    Well said OTA!


  74. obama the antichrist said

    thank you


  75. kathyorkay said

    TTW’s post is arguing that the statistics show that Liberals have stronger family values…
    I think your confused Lawman… here is the conclusion to the post…
    Family values are much more likely to be found in the states mistakenly called out-of-the-mainstream liberal. By their behavior you can know them as the true conservatives. They are showing how to conserve family life through the way they live their family values.

    This is based on the statistics in the article… (you said: pretty offensive when someone can take statistics and say liberals or conservatives have more morals.)

    Yes you can use statistics to help assess morals as a whole in a group of people… IF the study is done fairly…

    Another part:

    For all the Bible Belt talk about family values, it is the people from Kerry’s home state, along with their neighbors in the Northeast corridor, who live these values. Indeed, it is the “blue” states, led led by Massachusetts and Connecticut, that have been willing to invest more money over time to foster the reality of what it means to leave no children behind.

    Gee… um.. do you think this could be because they HAVE MORE MONEY??

    And you said this on the other page: single parent rate in the united states shouldn’t be confused with some liberal cause though.just as many conservatives have contributed to this number.

    #1.. how do you know that just as many conservatives have contributed?? I would be willing to bet that is not the case.

    #2.. Ann’s point is that Liberal views diminish the value of the traditional family unit. “it’s ok to have a child without a father figure”… her point is that it is not ok for the child.
    Ann isn’t blaming the entire single mother statistic on the Liberals… but liberals are making it worse by spreading their “it’s ok” anti family beliefs.


  76. tothewire said

    The study was just as fair as any other study Kay. Why can’t you just admit when you are in the wrong? Why do you keep going on and on?


  77. kathyorkay said

    I WILL admit when I am in the wrong… just as soon as someone convinces me that I’m wrong… why do I have to beg to have it explained to me everytime… if I’m wrong tell me how I am wrong…

    These statistics are not usefull in the attempt to prove that Liberals have stronger family values than Conservatives.

    I’m going over Lawman’s responses and he keeps changing his line of reasoning / responses as to why I’m “not getting it”.


  78. dorian9 said

    ttw – because for her all roads must lead to ” liberals are to blame for the ruin of family values and morality and all that’s wrong in this country”.


  79. tothewire said

    Oh bother! Go ahead and chase your tail Kay I give up on explaining points.


  80. tothewire said

    Kay are you on messenger?


  81. tothewire said

    Dorian Lawman is begging for your world peace ice cream! lol

    He went and bought ice cream to eat while we watched President Obama with his parents!

    His mom thought it was so funny!


  82. tothewire said

    He was so upset talking about America is going to hell in a hand basket! lol Then he would take a bite of ice cream and say “well now that does help the medicine go down!” LOL


  83. tothewire said

    It was pretty neat watching his mother. She voted for Obama, actually we went together and had lunch after! She is an amazing woman, and I love her very much.


  84. kathyorkay said

    OTA… yes, I agree with what you said… Liberals can raise successful happy children… that’s not the point… Ann’s point is that Liberal views diminish the importance of the traditional family unit. A child should be raised with a mother and a father when ever possible… women shouldn’t have a child (shouldn’t get pregnant) if it is likely that they will not have both in their lives.

    The majority of Liberals do not hold to Biblical values and are more likely to have children outside of marriage.

    Liberals are “liberated”… everything is ok. That’s the problem with Liberals.

    That is Ann’s point…


  85. dorian9 said

    no more liberals versus conservatives on anything for a while how about it. it’s not a competition. go to sleep children, beddie bye..


  86. dorian9 said

    just a spoonful of ice cream helps the medicine go down..the medicine go down…
    i think i’ll have some more ice cream before bed.

    oh if everything is ok with “liberated” liberals then how can there be a problem? that ann coulter contradicts herself doesn’t she…


  87. kathyorkay said

    That was my line… the problem is that Liberals THINK everything is ok when that is not the case and can never be the case… boundries are important and necessary.

    I wish I could drop it but Lawman and TTW have a way of making me think that I’m getting confused… ( that’s really not nice )… they never just give me a straight answer… or really, just admit when I am making a VALID point!


  88. dorian9 said

    kay nobody means to invalidate your point, it’s just that everybody has different thought processes and your logic may be different than theirs that’s all. statistics are just numbers and help with things like demographics, for gov’t. data or business agencies musn’t attach too much deep meaning to it.
    i’m liberal minded but i don’t think everything is ok – that would be denial wouldn’t it?
    everything is ok when i eat ice cream and i know you like cherry garcia too – you can have some but don’t tell lawman …


  89. kathyorkay said

    Thank you for the offer Dorian but even though this is a great day to celebrate ( because of the narrowing of the racial divide) I just don’t feel like partaking in the world peace cherry garcia right now…

    I pride myself on my logic but on the other hand I do sometimes have trouble understanding things, I do get easily confused, I admit it… so I can’t let this go until someone explains how I am wrong… or apologize for screwing with my head… again, not nice!! Lawman, I hope you don’t pull this crap with TTW the way guys like to do sometimes…. telling the woman that she’s crazy or loosing it when he is the one who is lying thru his teeth…

    I haven’t forgotten the ” we had a bet ” thing… you guys did this to me once already…

    And Dorian, I disagree about the importance of statistics…. they practically govern/ influence every aspect of society. Statistics, when done correctly, are extremely valuable.


  90. Kay, even though sometimes I sound angry I am never angry but I also do not view myself as a Liberal either because in my experience both conservatives and liberals get keyed up about thier Ideas. Unfortunately both sides want thier beliefs told as often as the other and they often cut each other off, which then makes them angry at each other. Now I must address something else Kay do you truely understand the comment about conversion? “We must invade thier countries, KILL thier leaders and convert them to christianity.” REALLY? SERIOUSLY? KAY! Do you remember the week after sept, 11th 2001? The dixie chicks almost got lynched because they said George W. Bush was an idiot. More people spouted views that stemmed closer to fundamentalism. She ment every word when she said it. But that was her view after 20,000 people died on her front door. We the people were all for doing just that. We ment it Sept 11, 12, and 13th were the biggest recruitment day our military has seen since the draft. People were ready to kill anything during that week. It was hell for me a medic in an MP unit, when we were called to keep the peace at a Mosque in Tampa. But the funny thing is, she was also referencing things that the Church both Catholic and Protestant (every other sect of the ORGANIZED Chirstian belief system.) The inquisition (there was even a law passed in 1541 in England and there was some laws that are still on the books in america that makes it a death penalty crime. In Both nations), The salem witch trials, the crusades, and other negative actions of genocide, commited with the support of the church. Even in WWII someone was convicted of Witchcraft in Britian. And this same organization still has the audacity to condemn Nazi Germany’s actions but not condemn simular actions that the faith has commited. I do not condone the actions of Nazi Germany nor do I condone genocide. Which is why ALL actions of genocide needs to be remembered. Not just the Holocaust because it happened more recently. This is the reason why I do not agree nor condone the hypocracy the Christian Organization preaches. I do not hate the faith just the Church. Which is actually two different things. But it is comments like what Ann said reflects badly on the Christian Faith. Also there are some conversion tactics that are almost criminal. I mean if someone listens to you and says “I do not believe the same way you do.” My advice do not try to convert them. It is not your soul that is going to your hell and converting people does not get you into heaven. But a lot of christian faiths do not hold true to thier own teachings, and will pursue to try to get this “condemned soul” saved. Sometimes these things end badly. There are so many negatives to the Organized Christian Faiths that it is hard to see the good they do in the community. Food Drives, Drug rehabilitation facilities (mostly double as a homless shelter as well.), in some areas community dinners. These all are good things, albeit another way of conversion but the lest fundamentalistic jihadist way of doing it. My suggestion is when you want to convey your views without feeling confused or that your views are wrong. (UNless you believe slavery, and the holocaust was in the right direction. Then you are just plain wrong. No matter how you look at it. But I doubt you feel that way.) Tell us your views minus the Bill Keller quotes unless they are pertenant. A quote does not mean the whole article that he wrote but parts of the quote. Put the url in the message and let us decide if we want to read it. Put some direct scriptural references or even references that you remember but you cannot say which book and verse it was. (This is called paraphrasing.) and what these things mean to you and what you think it means. These things are all true to you, that does not mean they HAVE to be true to US. But understanding the why and leaving it at that after you explain the why will help you not be confused by different statements. This is just to help you out and me putting my perspective on things. What I just wrote is not up for discussion. I will not honor a response because I do not feel I need to because I bared everything in this comment. Take my advice or leave it. Take my examples and the way I see things or leave it, I do not care. Just do not try to convince me I am wrong. For I truely am not trying to convince you that you are wrong. I just hope you will see things from a different perspective through this comment and I hope you learn at least a little something. I am not asking you to believe this way nor am I telling you if your view is different from this it is wrong. I am just telling you my perspective.


  91. And Kay the more “liberated” view is the view that sees both sides of an argument and views the whole picture with all the pieces in it. That is the more “liberated” view. *sighs* unfortunately that is not the case with liberals or conservatives. Both sides are just as pushy to be correct instead of seeing things how they are and how they work together. Everything is okay. Everything is fine, it is just not the way one side or the other thinks fine should be.


  92. RJ said

    e_e, kay–the more “liberated” view is the view that sees both sides of an argument and views the whole picture with all the pieces in it.

    Now, recall one of the FIRST times that I jumped on board with the “debates” that I made a comment about Kay not being able to debate me because I see both sides….I said that. I meant it. You can’t “win” with me because I know your argument. And I don’t mean I know it in the sense that I’ve heard it all before or that I’m omniscient!! LOL. I mean, if I know one side of an argument well, logically, for me, it means I must consider its opposite, or converse.

    Now, I have just risen again and have read about 40 messages from here. Give me a couple hours and I’m going to double dutch in.

    I have waited this long because it looked like Kathy was onto something…it looked like she was about to figure it out because she was talking in circles, looking for her exit….but it didn’t come for you, Kathy, because you’re blocking it.

    So, now, MAYBE I can help you out.


  93. Enkill_Eridos said

    pssh RJ I think she ignores me at this point. Because she doesn’t reference any of my comments with her comments as much as she used to. I feel left out, maybe I shouldn’t have left for so long. Oh well.


  94. dorian9 said

    information is knowledge if emotion is left out of it. when emotion is attached to anything then the biases, prejudices and dogma gets in the way and there’s the roadblock to understanding and nothing is learned. personal experiences leave us with associative emotion, the more significant the experience the stronger the emotion. if one tries to step out of the subjective and be more objective, that would leave more room for understanding. like looking both ways a few times before crossing a busy street – less chances of getting run over. in a debated topic, same thing. emotion is beautiful, though, when positive. otherwise it’s ulcers, high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, spontaneous human combustion and lots more.
    unless you’re ann coulter and writing books about things that make you angry and unhappy and make lots of money out of it.


  95. Lawman2 said

    lol e!

    i enjoy kay!she puts on a smart debate.when she refines her skill,i feel sorry for all you liberals!hehehe


  96. kathyorkay said

    EE.. I’m not ignoring you…you’ve been making great points that I agree with…

    RJ.. You see me going in circles too? Ok.. please show me the open door because….

    It still looks like Lawman isn’t going to, but thanks anyway for the compliment Lawman…

    I’m not giving up though… I still want you to concede or explain with better detail…please? thank you in advance :o)

    Dorian… I agree with your post… but like I said… statistics, when done right (without emotions interfering), are invaluable.

    I have more to say but will have to do it later…

    And Rj… that’s the other thing that I pride myself on …. being able to put myself in the other person’s shoes… I always look at the other side before I form my opinion / view.


  97. obama the antichrist said

    i dont know what to say i am on an overload of posts!!! AHHHHHH! my point about parenting was because you cant base family values on politics. But however this stat was only done in those parts not through the whole country…I am done defending Ann Coulter I know without a trace of doubt she is right about what she says and if you dont accept it thats fine have it your way


  98. Rj said

    i enjoy kay!she puts on a smart debate.when she refines her skill,i feel sorry for all you liberals!hehehe

    *rolling my eyes very hard*


  99. Rj said

    statistics, when done right (without emotions interfering), are invaluable.

    1. the stats have to be assessed for many things that may be in conflict, including the researcher

    emotions don’t interfere with statistics, you can often make numbers show whatever you want them to show, the point is the analysis of the stats is the problem (and taking them out of context).

    you provided an explanation for why ttw’s stats did not correctly reflect her argument about marriage and family values…i watched you talk it out, COMPLETELY, but using that same rationale, you stood in your own way and blocked yourself from revealing the truth about the inaccuracies of argument about “destructive single motherhood”. you seem like you just want someone to blame.


  100. Rj said

    Putting yourself in the other person’s shoes is empathy…and if i use this forum as evidence, you have none of that. “looking” at the other side isn’t good enough. if you were really doing just that, I don’t see how you can stand for some of what you are arguing.


  101. kathyorkay said

    Rj said: 1. the stats have to be assessed for many things that may be in conflict, including the researcher
    emotions don’t interfere with statistics, you can often make numbers show whatever you want them to show, the point is the analysis of the stats is the problem (and taking them out of context).

    How can you say ” stats have to be assessed for many things that may be in conflict, including the researcher
    And then say that emotions don’t interfere with statistics???

    And exactly… the analysis of the statistics is the problem… exactly what I explained with TTW’s statistics.. but just because TTW’s statistics were unusable for her point… that doesn’t mean other statistics (Ann’s) are also unusable… Ann’s statistic holds up her point much better than TTW’s statistics hold up the idea that Liberals have stronger family values. And because of that, they aren’t comparable.

    So if the point that I’m missing is that ” if you believe these statistics then you also have to believe these statistics… uh…no, that doesn’t work.

    And if the point is also that statistics are not valuable in these situations… that’s ridiculous… again, like I said before, statistics are extremely valuable and are used in every important aspect of life… because they DO help explain things.

    I believe that Ann’s statistic on this matter (the only one I’m aware of ) is pertaining to people in prison and how the majority grew up without a father. 70% I believe… if you think that not having a father in a child’s life doesn’t have a profoundly negative effect on them… if that’s your argument and Lawman’s, and/or that this statistic doesn’t give a clear indication of the importance of fatherhood… I strongly disagree…

    Ann’s statistic has less conflicting / varying factors … TTW’s statistics have those conflicting/ varying factors as listed. Ann’s statistic is solid… TTW’s statistics can’t be compared because they are faulty for what she is using them for… again.. those statistics DO NOT support the idea that Liberals have stronger family values… but Ann’s statistic DOES strongly support her conclusion…that single motherhood IS detrimental to the child… there… I hope you guys get it now…

    And if the point of TTW’s article was that statistics are not reliable in this situation, using those statistics as an example.. then the article shouldn’t have gone on and on making statements that imply that these statistics DO show that Liberals have stronger family values… I don’t mean to ‘pick’ on TTW.. but the article is conflicting for one thing and neither of the points holds up..

    bottom line… Liberal’s moral values are weaker than conservatives.. there is just no getting around that… and family values are effected… single motherhood as a choice is not only more acceptable but it’s the ‘in’ thing to do right now… again… Liberalism is liberation from restraints and the family life is suffering because of it… more specifically… as Ann makes clear… the child is suffering.


  102. kathyorkay said

    Rj said…
    Putting yourself in the other person’s shoes is empathy…and if i use this forum as evidence, you have none of that. “looking” at the other side isn’t good enough. if you were really doing just that, I don’t see how you can stand for some of what you are arguing.

    Putting yourself in the other person’s shoes is empathy…and if i use this forum as evidence, you have none of that.

    Rj.. you’re the one who has no empathy based on your words here on the abortion issue. you have no empathy for the unborn INNOCENT child.

    “looking” at the other side isn’t good enough.

    Looking at the other side is all I can do… I can’t become the other side… it has to be good enough and it is good enough for me to make my decision on where I stand.

    if you were really doing just that, I don’t see how you can stand for some of what you are arguing.

    Could you give some examples of my lack of empathy… of not looking at the other side?


  103. kathyorkay said

    OTA said:
    my point about parenting was because you cant base family values on politics. But however this stat was only done in those parts not through the whole country…I am done defending Ann Coulter I know without a trace of doubt she is right about what she says and if you dont accept it thats fine have it your way

    Are you talking to me? ( no Robert DeNiro pun intended ) If you are, I’m confused… I agree with Ann. And your comment: “my point about parenting was because you cant base family values on politics” (if it is directed at me)… I’m not trying to base family values on politics… but personal political views are guided by a person’s beliefs, and a child’s upbringing is also guided by a person’s personal beliefs… therefore political views will spill over into family values.


  104. kathyorkay said

    Dorian said: if one tries to step out of the subjective and be more objective, that would leave more room for understanding.

    Yes, exactly… I agree and I have practiced that… in fact, I am the only one who has changed /altered a view on this site after debating it… I have not observed any changes from anyone else here and I definitely don’t forsee any changes… unfortunately.

    in a debated topic, same thing. emotion is beautiful, though, when positive. otherwise it’s ulcers, high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, spontaneous human combustion and lots more.
    unless you’re ann coulter and writing books about things that make you angry and unhappy and make lots of money out of it.

    Unfortunately.. someone has to bring up / discuss unpleasant things.. or else there will never be improvements… in this case Ann is pointing out the problem of Liberals devaluating the family (two parent, opposite sex) unit… and the many children who pay the price and also society that pays the price when these children grow up…put it this way.. if Conservatives had control, their would be a lot less people having sex before marriage with the result being many many less children without fathers… but Liberals have unfortunately gained control of society by pushing their much more attractive “everything is ok” agendas… anti Christian morals that produce fatherless children for starters.


  105. dorian9 said

    kay, if anyone bothered to take the stats on children that grew up with single parents or same sex parents who turned out to be successful well functioning members of our american society i’m sure you will argue those stats too. and that’s precisely why i say stats are just numbers there’s always human emotion attached to the end analysis, from where the data is gathered to who analyzed the stats. everybody here including you of course gave great points towards invalidity or validity of stats. christian morals is your favorite cause to champion and for you everything relates or pertains to it. that’s okay for you but not everybody else. since we’re talking about statistics, i can also say that my interest in it pertains to demography and what is marketable for each specific location because i am in the business marketing field and that’s my livelihood. point is everything is relative to our own personal interests. my question is why bother being do disdainful of anything you cannot change, like people who don’t follow yours and anne coulter’s brand of christian morality? do you really want to convert everybody? do you really believe that someone like coulter really cares about other people’s souls?

    …”if Conservatives had control, their would be a lot less people having sex before marriage with the result being many many less children without fathers…”

    really?now it’s controlling human being’s sex urges? bring back prohibition too, why not?
    what say ye, dear blog family and friends…


  106. kathyorkay said

    Dorian… you’re twisting my comments and you’re missunderstanding my motives. First…the MAIN point here… are you saying that the statistic that 70% of criminal offenders grew up fatherless doesn’t confirm that that is an important factor / cause of the problem of criminal offenders?

    I’m sure there are successful single parent and same sex parents who have / will raise productive people. Again.. that’s not the point… the point is that more often than not… these situations ARE NOT SUCCESSFUL. This is PROVEN by statistics… various studys, I’m sure, that all point to the same conclusion… not to mention it’s just common sense.

    And yes… there are always going to be conflicting factors when doing studies, which is why more than one study is done, and also different kinds of studies… and then different people analyze the numbers etc.. and eventually come to a RELIABLE conclusion.. as reliable as possible. Ann’s statistic is, I’m sure, one of the most indicative ones to support her point. Among many I’m sure.

    You said:
    christian morals is your favorite cause to champion and for you everything relates or pertains to it. that’s okay for you but not everybody else.

    Dorian… Christian morals produce a better society… you and Rj can argue this over and over but you won’t win this one…
    Granted, there are other religions that also would produce a better society if everyone followed it’s beliefs…
    I’m not trying to outright convert everyone here..I am realistic … I AM making the point that I believe it is the best way to go… and I will never stop making this point just because others like to accuse me of intolerance for doing so and ignorance etc… I’m making points… Liberals need to not get so mad and offended when I promote my view… it’s absolutely ridiculous to do so… I hear your views and I don’t get offended… I argue my reasons for my view… again, why do I have to keep explaining and pointing out this difference?? Intolerance and opposing views are not the same… and if you get offended by opposing views then that is indicative of you not being comfortable with your views and therefor are threatened by the opposing view…again.. I don’t mind hearing others view… and enjoy DEBATING and discussing why I have chosen the view that I did… Liberals don’t like to do so… Why???

    I said: …”if Conservatives had control, their would be a lot less people having sex before marriage with the result being many many less children without fathers…”

    You said:
    really?now it’s controlling human being’s sex urges? bring back prohibition too, why not?

    I use the word control loosly… right now Liberals have ‘control’ of society…they’re beliefs reign in society, as displayed over and over in all aspects. If the situation were reversed and conservative values were the majority… THERE WOULD BE LESS SOCIAL PROBLEMS… guaranteed.

    Are you arguing that people shouldn’t live by some form of moral restictions when it comes to sex urges? Are you staunchly in support of that most popular Liberal view also? The view that overwhelmingly contributes to the spread of disease and unwed mothers? You said you believe in God… do you honestly think this is the way he wants his people to live?


  107. lawman2 said

    I say yes to more sex!


  108. lawman2 said

    I say yes to more sex!and don’t mess with a mans budlight!


  109. RJ said

    Well, shit, I second the first one….I second it a thousand times.


  110. RJ said

    I’m having a hard time responding to you for the past few days, Kathy, not because I’m incapable but because I really think you are a fool and a dangerous aspect in society. You are still standing in your own way on the statistics issue. It is really odd watching you try to claim one thing about family values and Christians and stand right in the way of explaining the other half of the misleading “fatherlessness” statistics. I really want to set you straight, but you don’t want to see it. In fact you refuse to see it, and I hate to waste my time. If you want to talk about fatherlessness, go to my other site, type it into the search, read ALL of the shit, and then come back.

    Your religious views stand in the way of truth. Your truth is good enough for you, but isn’t going to help cure the social ills. You know what happens when people honor religion and conservativism? They fight their impulses and feel guilt, neither of which are healthy. What? Pray harder? What? Pray the gay away? What? Pray disease away? What pray sex away? What? Wait until marriage? What? Pastors have sex with boys…children. What? Men abuse their wives, children. What? Pray harder and you won’t be affected. Just shut your eyes really tight, tell everyone to be Christian, and everything will go away once everyone converts. What?

    You keep talking about common sense…you don’t have common sense..you have religious values…that is very different. Common sense would talk your way through the fatherlessness stats. Common sense WONT help you understand the intersection of class, sex,race, etc. You really have to figure out how to put the puzzle pieces together.

    Maybe religion stunts people’s mental development…I don’t know.


  111. kathyorkay said

    Well, I have to tell you, I think you are… not fooling anyone… certainly not me.
    Rj said: It is really odd watching you try to claim one thing about family values and Christians and stand right in the way of explaining the other half of the misleading “fatherlessness” statistics.

    Now who’s going in circles?? Why can’t you give a response that has some substance? I’m still waiting for you to explain the “misleading” fatherless statistics… you’ve mentioned them twice now but as usuall you avoid any detail… typical liberal… you waist time and effort writing this: ” I really want to set you straight, but you don’t want to see it. In fact you refuse to see it, and I hate to waste my time. If you want to talk about fatherlessness, go to my other site, type it into the search, read ALL of the shit, and then come back.”… When all you have to do is say IT instead of talking circles around it… What EXACTLY are the “misleading” fatherless statistics???? You have YET to come up with ANY statistics!!!

    I could pull the same crap on you but I don’t have to… I HAVE an argument!

    I explained, in my last post on this, extremely clearly my side… can’t you just respond to my points?? Instead of talking about circles and tails and exits and standing in the way etc. etc. etc. blah blah blah….

    This is pathetic… and again, I don’t think any of you are fooling anyone…

    You said:Your religious views stand in the way of truth. Your truth is good enough for you, but isn’t going to help cure the social ills.

    Could you tell me?? what truth would that be??? And I already explained clearly how the Christian TRUTH would help cure the social ills… I gave a perfect example… it’s called morals… living with some boundries… because as common sense would tell you…. living without boundries and limits leads to problems.. it’s such common sense that I don’t even know if I can refer you to any statistics to help you see that… it’s just common knowledge.

    “You know what happens when people honor religion and conservativism? They fight their impulses and feel guilt, neither of which are healthy.”

    Do you know what else isn’t healthy? Sexually transmitted diseases. It’s like you’ve never heard of the concept of self control… it does exist and all of us exercise it all the time… There are many reasons besides God ( if you choose not to believe in Him ) to use self control… health reasons including sexual diseases, unwanted pregnancies, incarceration to name a few. These things PROVE that boundries are good and necessary… Self control.. a really good concept.

    “What? Pray harder? What? Pray the gay away? What? Pray disease away? What pray sex away? What? Wait until marriage? What? Pastors have sex with boys…children. What? Men abuse their wives, children. What? Pray harder and you won’t be affected. Just shut your eyes really tight, tell everyone to be Christian, and everything will go away once everyone converts. What?”

    I don’t even know what to say to this lol… this is what ignorance is… this is anger and denial mixed together.

    “You keep talking about common sense…you don’t have common sense..you have religious values…that is very different.”

    Common sense is when you can figure out what works and what doesn’t and then choose to do what works. Gee… what a coincidence that doing what works is also what God wants you to do…hmmm…

    “Common sense would talk your way through the fatherlessness stats”

    Again, I’d really like to hear your version of this…

    “Common sense WONT help you understand the intersection of class, sex,race, etc. You really have to figure out how to put the puzzle pieces together.”

    You make it sound so mysterious… it’s not…


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