A Different Kind of Blog

news and things sacred and irreverent put together by opinionated people.

Bill Keller

Posted by tothewire on October 31, 2008

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Bill Keller is the definition of Religious intolerance: failure to respect “the fundamental right of other people to hold religious beliefs that are different from your own.” Devaluing other faiths as worthless or evil.Spreading hatred about an entire group; e.g. stating or implying that all members of a group are evil, behave immorally, commit criminal acts, etc.;It has nothing to do with religious practices or behavior motivated by religion.

This form of faith bashing is a serious concern. It fueled the Witch burnings of the Renaissance, the Spanish Inquisition, and the Nazi Holocaust.

Followers of Keller are motivated by their religion to change society.
 It is typically based on misinformation knowingly spread by a religious leader against a small religion.
 It often seeks to build up public hatred against a benign faith group. It can contribute to public hysteria that has led to lynching, attempted murder, firebombing etc.

Bill Keller is full of blasphemy against the Constitution and the Fist Amendment!
Keller should be thankful that the First Amendment demands that the government be neutral toward religion.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want clergy campaigning for their favorite political candidate. Does anyone want their houses of worship turned into a political convention hall? Collection plate money used to line politicians’ pockets…leaving our religious freedom in ruins!

12 Responses to “Bill Keller”

  1. Enkill_Eridos said

    I am going to have to agree with you he should be stopped but he will not be. Just like other televngelists his momentum will slow down and stop. I see his momentum will slow down conciderably after the election.


  2. tothewire said

    We can hope! When I first heard of Bill Keller the evangelist (about this time last year) I thought they were (a colleague) at first referring to the journalist for the NYT! I remember thinking “he has a evangelical ministry?” lol Then when I realized it was THE BILL KELLER the convicted felon…I just couldn’t believe he is back and prosperity has smiled on him once again.


  3. Enkill_Eridos said

    I never heard of Bill Keller until my republican mother in law sent me a youtube video of Bill Keller calling Obama’s Mama Trash. And he said if you dont agree with what I am saying take it up with my mama. He hides behind his mama. It’s funny.


  4. I was mistaken that was Rev. Manning and he is intolerant as well. Another really intolerant pastor is Sarah Palin’s old pastor, from his promo video I see he instigated violence against a person and if she didn’t get saved she had to leave town. Kinda sounds like a middle age Europe concept to me. The whole thing ended in a poor snake getting shot because the policeman thought it was a demon. I mean I just don’t spew lies, well sometimes but thats because I don’t look into it. That’s what was said in his Promo video and he was proud of it! The town was bad before he did this and now is good? That’s not because MaMa Jane was pulling the strings, it was because they were afraid of the pastor that would instigate such violent behavior.


  5. Umm, tothewire I would like to know the bad history you and Bill Keller have. For one I do not believe he has any right to actually voice his opinion for the election. He is not allowed to vote, a convicted felon, therefore technically is not a US citizen. Convicts are stripped of their right to vote, a convict cannot hold a government office or work for the government in any official capacity. Therefore I do not believe a Convict should be able to actually voice his opinion about the presidential election. But I would really like to know about yours and Keller’s history. If you don’t feel comfortable telling me on here you can always e-mail me.


  6. tothewire said

    E_E Felony Disenfranchisement, is what you are referring to, but it only exists in Kentucky and Virginia.

    Other states have a voting ban for convicted felons that are not life-long, but last for various lengths of time and nearly every state prohibits felons from voting while still incarcerated, on probation or on parole.

    I believe that felons have shown poor judgment, and that they should therefore not have a voice in the political decision-making process.

    I can’t divulge the information you are wanting. Give it some time friend, someday Keller’s arrogance will get the best of him.


  7. tothewire said

    I can say “HE IS NO MARTHA STEWART” and he is the same today as he was then, he has just found a new way to swindle people out of their money.


  8. ET said

    This is an actual email that I recieved from someone (who USED to be a friend).

    To everyone I know, have known, will know and don’t know, this is your first visible serious result of the Obama election.

    If you are a solid conservative Christian and voted the way one would, call yourself a patriot, you are my best friend.

    If you voted mostly for Palin because you couldn’t stomach the thought of having to vote for a confused half liberal like McCain, you are a good friend.

    If you voted for McCain because you loved the idea of him being president, I’ll call you a friend and I’ll keep my guard up.

    If you voted for some minor conservative party that didn’t have a chance, you are a distant friend but I’m not going out of my way for you.

    If you voted for Obama, you simply are not my friend. You either don’t have a clue what you were doing or you are guided by emotions or evil and I don’t have the patience to help you sort it out. Now git. Don’t email. Don’t call. You are done.

    If you didn’t vote because you didn’t care and you are a male over 18, tell me why I should care one bean about you.

    If this gets forwarded to you by a liberal, it’s probably been altered.

    (Name Removed)
    Helena, MT
    November 5,2008

    No bad language was used in the writing of this email.


  9. dorian9 said

    hi e.t – thanks for sharing and reminding us how lucky we are that the majority do not think this way. this is pretty scary. specially the part about “..or you are guided by emotions or evil”.


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  12. Racheal said

    Touch not my annoited nd d my prophet no harm.said d lord. Leave God 2 judge if Bill Keller is faking everything. All the same he is right.


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