A Different Kind of Blog

news and things sacred and irreverent put together by opinionated people.

Archive for July 17th, 2009

Who are the Devil, Satan, God, Jesus and His Father? How do these Characters fit into religion, and do all of them belong there?

Posted by Enkill_Eridos on July 17, 2009

You might think this to be a strange question, but is it?
In the past hundred years human science has developed immensely, more than in any century ever before, what happened to religion in the past hundred years? We are taught exactly the same thing our great grand parents were taught! The Christian reader might think why must religion develop, its religion, it’s been this way forever, why change it, what is the point, can religion develop? A question we can ask ourselves is this; is religion still valid?

Why would anyone question that! Is probably the shout that would come from millions of religious people around this globe we call home, and we refer to as having four corners, I would attempt to show you the four corners, if you could give me one reason, one concrete undeniable reason to not question religion.

The Characters in the heading has been part of religion since its conception! Or so we like to think! Satan only entered this concept in the book of Job, nowhere before Job are there any positive reference to him, before Satan people were just disobedient and evil, praying to idols, ignoring God, and for that He punished them. The book of Job is thought to have been written in plus minus six hundred to five hundred B.C, some believe it was written by Moses, there are other scholars who however differ on the matter. The point is; there is no concrete proof on its origin, neither the reason for it.

If the dating is close to accurate then Satan made his appearance three thousand three hundred and eighteen years after creation according to the Bible, in effect we were then without Satan for that number of years.

What is a point of concern in this book is the fact that God appointed Satan to invoke pain in this man Job, by having his children killed to “test” his faith. Also should he pass this test he would be “richly” rewarded, which if you read the book to the end you will find that Job eventually after having admitted his “guilt” is rewarded by becoming even richer than he was before his “fall”. A reward concept initiated by “God”.

Then six hundred years later Jesus was born, three thousand nine hundred and eighteen years after creation according to the Bible. Jesus grew up and started his highly controversial preaching’s. In quite a number of his debates with the church of the time, and to groups of people he spoke to Jesus made some really strange and thought provoking statements. One which is probably the reason for his death is this:

Quote, John chapter 8 verses 42 to 44 “Jesus said to them,” If God really were your Father, you would love me, because I came from God and now I am here. I did not come on my own authority, but he sent me. 43 Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to listen to my message. 44 You are the children of your Father, the Devil, and you want to listen to your Father’s desires. From the beginning he was a murderer and has never been on the side of truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he is only doing what is natural to him, because he is a liar and the father of all lies.”

Did Jesus said since Satan, or did he say, “Since the beginning”? His name calling was what eventually got him killed. We are taught in churches that Jesus died for our sins, but did he? What did Caiaphas really meant with these words? I quote; John chapter 11 verse 49 to 52 “One of them, named Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said, ‘what fools you are! 50 Don’t you realize that it is better for you to let one man die for the people, instead of having the whole nation destroyed?” then in the next verse; this, 51 “Actually, he did not say that of his own accord; rather, as he was high priest that year, he was prophesying that Jesus was going to die for the Jewish people,” then as if an after thought, 52“and not only for them, but also to bring together into one body all the scattered people of God.”

The manner this was put together is a clear indication that the church was going to make Jesus look like a martyr, re-create him into something he was not, and they did, we all believe today that he actually died for our sins. Jesus did say they want to follow their Father’s desires! Jesus did call their Father/God, the Devil where does that leave Satan, and where does that leave Jesus and his Father?

The above quote also leave a feeling of disbelief regarding the words “rather, as he was high priest that year he was prophesying”, could you only prophesize being a high priest? And why the ‘rather’, such an amateurish effort to try and make one believe something which is clearly not what they imply it to be.

God’s goal was to enrich his followers, physically! Jesus had a different idea!

Did Jesus came to support religion, or was his purpose perhaps something totally different?

Walter Muller.

For those interested; Jesus the Keeper of the truth, http://www.authorhouse.com/bookstore/itemDetail.aspx?bookid=59758 and Unchaste Deception,

http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/unchaste-deception/2486291 the names of two books published regarding the above.

Posted in Religion | 27 Comments »

Good reading No 1

Posted by bettyslocombe on July 17, 2009

At the moment the bedtime story for my daughter is Dracula (abridged) but a long time favourite was :


which is the story of a brother and sister on a midwest farm who accidentally provoke a troll into invading their farm. One night they went out and in the barn:

A squat, ugsome troll was sitting on a stool, milking a cow. There was a pile of eggs on the floor next to his feet.
The troll had a long nose and a bristling tail. He was wearing bib overalls and a large, gold earring in his ear. When Karl barked, the troll was surprised, so he jumped up on a beam under the rafters and said, “What are you kids doing in my barn.”.
Karin looked up and held out her stick. “It’s not your barn, it’s our barn. Are you a troll, a warthog, or a donkey?”
I’m a troll. I’m not a warthog or a donkey, I’m a troll! Donkeys can’t talk and hogs can’t fly.”
“Well, you better get out of our barn or I’ll hit you with this stick.”
“Ha! Ha! Hah! Ho! Ho! Hoh!, the troll laughed wickedly. “You can’t even reach me with that stick.”

It’s an exciting tale, with a happy ending. Read more here

Posted in Politics | 8 Comments »

One of the many reasons for America’s Economic Troubles.

Posted by Enkill_Eridos on July 17, 2009

The following is me writing about one of our biggest reasons for our Economic Troubles. Before I say anything I must say this. All of the following are things I DIRECTLY observed and lived for 18 months.

One of the many reasons for America’s Economic Troubles is not the bailouts the government has been giving out to companies. In my opinion one of the biggest and one of the many reasons for this crisis, is the economic hemorrhage that is name Operation Iraqi Freedom. From this moment on I will call it OIF. Which is the acronym the military designated it as. Let’s start at the beginning. If memory serves me correct there was over 144,000 troops in country during 2003-2004. Not all of those troops where in Iraq. The reason for this was that Halliburton and subsidiaries like Kellogg, Brown, and Root. Did a lot of the government contract work dealing with construction. Some oil field work, minimal security teams, and power plant work. Most of this was in Iraq. The reason I have a problem with this is simply, because instead of paying these contractors that got anywhere from $150,000 to 500,000 a year tax free.

For that amount of pay for individuals we could have used our military resources that were trained to build bases and run the electricity of those bases, to do their jobs. The civilian contractors did most of that. The thing is though that we spent more money for civilian security for some of the civilian contract work done in the Theater of Operations. Yet, there was several military police, construction engineering, and other units and battalions without a mission. The unit I was in did Customs for civilian and military personnel. Which I am not complaining because the platoon I was in we also did air convoy security, some ground convoy security, base security, as well as Downed Aircraft Recovery Team (D.A.R.T.) missions. Me as a medic worked both the above jobs as well as worked in the base’s Troop Medical Clinic. The base or camp actually was the first camp into Kuwait that helped stabilize medevac patients that went to the next treatment tier. But come to think of it, if there was more MP units in Iraq at that time. I do not think we would have as many problems as we do.

My unit was one of the lucky ones with a mission. The Customs mission I believed and still do should have been handled by civilians. Which I believe, it was handled by civilians at the end of my 18 month tour. During this tour I spoke to and witnessed many military personnel without a mission because the civilian contractors, whom made much more money individually than the units budgets for operations that the civilians took. Look where that lead us it took the beheading of a few civilian contractors that had no business in country in the first place. It wasn’t until those incidents that military personnel was used to do the jobs the DoD paid them to do. That was twelve months after the invasion ten months after I arrived in country.

The budget was 10 trillion dollars a year or day which most went to civilian contractors. That could have been reduced by cutting most of the civilian contractors in the first place. Now the PX workers, the civilians that was charged with helping stabilize Iraq’s power plants. Those where civilian contractor jobs. But truck drivers, and construction? There were military units that were trained to do that. Even though a few did that some did not. This is all immaterial really because its in the past. But, for the purpose of this article it was something that contributed to our current deficit that led to our current economic problem.

Posted in Military, Opinion, Politics | 8 Comments »