A Different Kind of Blog

news and things sacred and irreverent put together by opinionated people.

Archive for October, 2009

Here’s one for TBG -Monkeys Appreciate Monkey Music and Metallica

Posted by dorian on October 27, 2009

Cotton-Top Tamarin Monkey

Cotton-Top Tamarin Monkey | Discovery News Video

Monkeys Appreciate Monkey Music and Metallica

Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News

Sept. 1, 2009 — Non-human animals usually prefer silence to our music. However, when cotton-top tamarins heard songs based on their own calls, the diminutive, fluffy primates listened with interest to the monkey music, which even altered their moods, according to a new study.

Music therefore appears to be most effective when it is species specific, suggests the study, published in the latest Royal Society Biology Letters.

Co-author David Teie told Discovery News that “all of the previous studies on the effect of human music on animals has shown that they don’t give a hoot about our music.” Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in about music and musicians, Educational, Nature, Nerdus Momentus | 1 Comment »

Algorithm Judges Musical Hit Potential

Posted by dorian on October 27, 2009


Singer/song writer Nora Jones performs at the 2007 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. A computer program found her songs were likely to be hits.


Oct. 27, 2009 — Musicians intent on rock stardom can now turn to a simple file scan that uses an algorithm to improve odds at scoring a chart-topper.

That’s the idea behind Music Intelligence Solutions’ Hit Song Science (HSS) technology located on uPlaya.com. The technology mathematically analyzes the underlying patterns in a track, including harmony, chord progression and lyrics. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in about music and musicians, Educational, Nerdus Momentus, Science, Technology | 6 Comments »

MORE STUPID CHRISTIANS – Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Mike Murdock, Bennie Hinn.

Posted by princessxxx on October 26, 2009

Posted in Comedy, Crime, Entertainment, hall of shame, Huh??, Just A Caveman, notorious, Opinion, Religion, wtf | 11 Comments »

Stroke alters sexual preference

Posted by 1minionsopinion on October 26, 2009

From a letter to Psychiatry Online:

The patient, a 57-year-old right-handed man, sustained his first cerebral vascular accident in the right middle cerebral artery region at the age of 45, which resulted in right-sided hemiparesis that resolved completely within 3 months. He continued to run his private business successfully while living with his mother.

The patient lost his father in early childhood. There was no evidence of an emotional or conduct disorder during school years, and the patient eventually obtained his university degree. He continued to manage his successful practice until he sustained the second cerebral vascular accident in the left middle cerebral artery region at age 53.

The patient became aware of his homosexual orientation in his early teens and had several gay partners. He suffered a major depressive episode at age 26 that resolved within a few months. He also had a diagnosis of excessive harmful use of alcohol, but there was no evidence of dependence.

The patient started complaining of his changed personality and heterosexual orientation 6 months after his second stroke. At the same time he complained of excessive mood swings and changed interests. He became preoccupied with photography and had a successful photographic exhibition a year after his second stroke. His sexual orientation remained heterosexual 4 years following the second stroke, and he preferred to describe himself as bisexual because of his previous homosexual orientation.


Posted in Health, Sex | 7 Comments »


Posted by princessxxx on October 25, 2009

this is one of my favorite creepy films Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Art and Artists, Entertainment, Just for Fun, notorious, wtf | 4 Comments »

Amelia Earhart

Posted by dorian on October 24, 2009

Earhart’s Final Resting Place Believed Found

Rossella Lorenzi, Discovery News

AP Photo | Aviation Pioneer Amelia Earhart appears above in her flight gear in this undated photo.

Oct. 23, 2009 — Legendary aviatrix Amelia Earhart mostly likely died on an uninhabited tropical island in the southwestern Pacific republic of Kiribati, according to researchers at The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR).

Tall, slender, blonde and brave, Earhart disappeared while flying over the Pacific Ocean on July 2, 1937 in a record attempt to fly around the world at the equator. Her final resting place has long been a mystery. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Famous Adventurers, News, Pioneers | 6 Comments »

The trouble with bedrock beliefs…

Posted by 1minionsopinion on October 24, 2009

..would be their inability to change without applying great force.

(The following is a cross-post.)

I can’t say I see that as a good thing, unlike columnist Rebecca Hagelin at the Washington Post in a recent piece.

“Of course I dislike the Nazis. But who is to say they’re morally wrong?” The shocking statement was made to a college professor in New York by one of his students, as documented by author Kerby Anderson in a much-needed book, “Christian Ethics in Plain Language.” Mr. Anderson reports that the professor “said that he has never met a student who denied the Holocaust happened. But he also reported that 10 to 20 percent of his students cannot bring themselves to say that killing millions of people is wrong.”

That’s an alarming statistic, but I wonder if some of that might have to do with the fact that God killed a lot of people in the bible. Genocide cannot be evil if God does it. Check this list for 20 horrible death fests God created and/or encouraged. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Opinion, Religion | 81 Comments »

Goddess of the day – KALI

Posted by princessxxx on October 23, 2009

YEAH! I COULD SMOKE POT ALL DAY AND GROOVE ON THIS. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in about music and musicians, Art and Artists, Educational, Entertainment, Huh??, Poems, Religion, The Storybook, The World, wtf | 7 Comments »