A Different Kind of Blog

news and things sacred and irreverent put together by opinionated people.

Request to Remove Blagojevich Denied

Posted by tothewire on December 18, 2008


GUESS WHAT???  The Illinois State Supreme Court Wednesday afternoon denied an emergency request from the state’s attorney general, Lisa Madigan, to consider removing besieged Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich from power.  This comes as no surprise to the  caveman BUT a big surprise to me!

Without issuing an opinion or other comment, the court also denied Ms. Madigan’s motion for a temporary restraining order that would have immediately stripped Mr. Blagojevich of many of his powers, including the authority to appoint someone to fill the United States Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama.

Mr. Blagojevich, a two-term Democrat, was arrested early last week on charges of conspiracy and soliciting bribes in a sprawling criminal case that involves, among other things, accusations that he conspired to sell the vacant Senate seat.

Ms. Madigan had no immediate comment.

No breakdown of how the seven justices had voted was given, and a spokesman for the Supreme Court, Joseph Tybor, said that they have no plans to speak about the matter beyond the issuance of their orders, which were filed Wednesday afternoon.

Ms. Madigan had argued in court papers filed last Friday that “the pervasive nature and severity” of a federal corruption case against Mr. Blagojevich had rendered him “incapable of legitimately exercising his ability as governor.”

The decision came on the same day that Mr. Blagojevich’s lawyer, Ed Genson, called on Ms. Madigan to recuse herself from any dealings with the governor’s fate because of her own political ambitions. She has been mentioned as a possible candidate to fill Mr. Obama’s Senate seat and has expressed interest in possibly running for governor in 2010.


5 Responses to “Request to Remove Blagojevich Denied”

  1. walkndude said

    let me be the first to tell the FBI.
    I will be in contact with Mr. Blagojevich.

    he says the right things.
    i will be arresting FBI agents faster than you can reload.


  2. Lawman2 said

    well alright then walkndude!


  3. tothewire said

    Very funny! Now lawman has found friend….


  4. walkndude said

    did he need one?
    you nazi’s keeping him on his on version of the internet as well?

    the wave is building.
    i was born, into ROTC, i was weened on the streets and in jail. i excelled in the IRC war’s ‘note CBT, cisco upgrade failure’ i have waited, trained, for you sex crazed nazi spammers on MY net, since the start of netring.
    my name, WalKnDude, is older than freaking HTML, and most of these nazi’s.

    you came to MY TURF. meet your maker.


  5. […] Request to Remove Blagojevich Denied […]


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